11 September 2011

Chosen Genre & Genre Conventions

For my magazine, I have chosen to create a music magazine particularly for the indie-rock music genre. I have chosen this, as I would like to target my magazine to a younger audience, between 15 to 25 year olds and after audience research this is music magazine most popular with that specific audience. However before creating a magazine of the indie-rock genre, I felt it was necessary to research into the generic conventions of an indie rock music magazine.
On the front cover, the typical conventions usually consisted of a logo which is placed in the top left hand corner, specifically in a bright red colour. The text featured on the front cover, also usually has the latest details on music gigs and music festival line-ups. They also, due to it being a music magazine, feature articles about particular bands on the front cover, these usually consist of bands such as Kasabian, The Strokes, The Arctic Monkeys, Florence and The Machine etc. 
On the contents page, the articles and features are usually broken down into categories and often feature reviews on the latest albums and singles. There is also conventionally a large image place either on the far left or the far right of the contents page. 
On the double page spread, these are often conventionally very plain, with the background white and the article of interview text placed in a black plain font. However it usually the title which stand out amongst all items on the page, and is often placed in large letters, in a unique style or font. The titles also, most times, consist of a quotation from the article of the interviewer the audience are about to read. 

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