23 September 2011

Photo Shoot Planning

What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?
The theme and genre of my music magazine will be of a rock/indie music genre; therefore the photography I use has to appeal to the audience which would usually read this genre of magazine. I would therefore want my images to portray an edgy atmosphere and evoke the audience, to maybe want to listen to music or go to a gig.
What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
For my photographs, I am going to be in the images. I choose myself as it was much easier and less time-consuming, as I did not have to get permission from the person I was taking the images of or choose a particular time which was best suited to them.
What props will you need?
For my photography I would like to keep my images quite simple, as a busy environment can cause the magazine to be distracting and not attractive to look at. Therefore I will only use one prop, which will be a microphone, in only a few images. This relates to the overall music theme, but does not distract from the focal point of the image.
How are you going to emphasise colour?
The colours which I will be using for both the costume and make-up will consist of very dark shades. Therefore to I will be using a light coloured background and floor, allowing the dark colours to stand out and catch the reader’s eye.
What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
For my photographs, I will be using simple indoor lighting. However I will be placing all lighting in front of me and behind the camera, to allow the central point to be more illuminated then the background and create more depth and shadowing.
Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
I will be shooting my photographs in my house, in my dining room as the wall is plain and cream, which is more appropriate as if objects or furniture were to appear in the background of my photographs, this would distract from the central object or person and could even look unprofessional.
Make-up? Costume?
Both the costume and the make-up will have a rock feel to it, in keeping with the indie/rock genre of the magazine. For example leather jacks, big messy hair and lots of dark shades in both clothing and make-up.

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