19 September 2011

Music Magazine Front Cover Flat Plan

Rationale Questions
The colour scheme I have chosen to use consists of red, white, black and grey. I have chosen this theme as it is very common in indie/rock music magazines and therefore will allow the theme of my magazine to be recognised by the readers. This colour scheme is also very minimalistic which means it’s rather easy and nice to look at; using a large amount of bright colours would be very busy and unpleasant on the reader’s eyes.

The image I will be using for the front cover will be of me. The background does not contain any props, which I felt was appropriate as it would allow the person (me) to stand out more against a simple background, gaining more focus on the person from the reader. I have used costume and make-up to help co-ordinate with the theme of the magazine and as the theme is indie/rock I have used dark make-up and vintage and rock style clothing to keep the theme consistent. The background will be a gray gradient which will help to add more depth to the image and also make it appear as if it really there. I will also add shadowing to create a greater realism. The image is a medium close up, from the waist upwards. I chose to use this type of camera shot, as it was popular shot type and is used on almost every magazine cover in the industry. The camera is medium distance from me and is at an average eye level, to help keep the simplistic theme. 

On the front cover of my magazine the text I will use will be consistent to the theme and the magazine. I will use a masthead and a slogan at the top of the page as this is very common. I will give an example of other bands featured in the magazine and the latest entertainment news such as CD’s, DVD’s and the latest gigs. I could also include advertisements for competitions or free posters. I will also feature large text informing readers of the cover image, with an example of who they are, why they are on the cover and what they can expect to read inside the magazine about them. 

The font which I will use will be very simple and bold, which will allow the text to stand out whilst on the shelf and will also make it easier to read. All the text will be placed horizontally to emphasize the simplistic look and will be placed around the outside and along the bottom of the cover, to not distract from the main image and centre focal point. 

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