14 September 2011

Audience Profile Questionnaire

After choosing and depicting my target audience, I needed to ensure my research into my target audience and there lifestyle was correct, in order to attract them sufficiently to my magazine. To do so, I created an audience profile questionnaire, which included the following questions;
- What gender are you?
- How old are you?
- Which best describes your current employment status?
- What do your parents do for a living?
- What is your favourite hobby or interest?
- Which type of music do you mainly listen to?
- Do you attend music gigs/concerts and it yes, how often?
- How much would you be willing to spend on a music magazine?
- Would you be more persuaded to buy a magazine, if it contained free posters, competitions etc?
- Would you read or purchase an this indie rock music magazine magazine (kerrang music magazine front cover)?
This would allow me to find out sufficient information about my audience and there lifestyle and background, which would allows me to cater my magazine to their specific needs and encourage them to read or purchase my magazine. Below are the completed questionnaires which I collected from my audience: 
To allow me attract my target audience I must look at the completed questionnaires, which stated they would be likely to purchase an indie rock music magazine, like my own, as these are the specific audience I must cater my magazine towards. From looking at the answers of those who would purchase a similar magazine to the one I am intending to make I found the following; There was an equal balance between those who were male and those who were female. This means I should try to include features and pages which are mutual to both the interests of both males and females. Every respondent was between the ages of 15-19 years old, this suggest I should try to appeal to a younger audience and ensure the language is not too formal, which could be uninteresting to those of a younger age. Many of the respondents were either unemployed or employed in part time jobs, however all of the respondents were educated students. This could be a target factor in the price of the magazine, but could also suggest including independent student bands may be appealing to my audience. Most of the respondents had parents who were employed, with a majority of the jobs being working class. This again could have a large influence on both the price of the magazine and the language format, which should be informal to ensure the magazine does not seem to 'business type' for a working class audience. Most of the respondents, were highly interested in hanging with there friends on a daily basis. This could be beneficial to my magazine, as in socialising they could suggest the magazine to their friends to increase the popularity of the magazine. A high majority of the respondents mainly listened to rock and indie music, which displays that my chosen genre of magazine, a indie-rock music magazine would be successfully appealing to my target audience. All of my respondents enjoyed attending music concerts and gigs, ranging from every month to when they could afford to attend. To cater to this I should promote gig listings within my magazine, which should be updated every month.  From the respondents answers I found that most of them would be willing to pay between £1 to £2.99 for a music magazine, this is important to take into count, as without a suitable price my audience will not be able to purchase my magazine. A high number of my respondents, suggested they would be more persuaded to buy a magazine  if it contained free posters, competitions etc. Therefore promoting such free give-a-ways, gifts and competitions on my front cover, will attract my audience and encourage them too purchase my magazine. Lastly I asked my respondents why they would purchase such a magazine. This would ensure me to determine what will be the most important factors when it comes to designing and creating my magazine. From the answers the respondents gave, the most important factors were a professional and organised layout and appearance, intriguing text that kept the reader interested, promoting the target music genre through the use of featured bands to appeal to those who enjoy that music genre and good, professional and consistent images which tied in with the articles and the genre of the magazine. 

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