21 September 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Flat Plan

Rationale Questions
The colour scheme I have chosen to use consists of red, white, black and grey. I have chosen this theme as it is very common in indie/rock music magazines and therefore will allow the theme of my magazine to be recognised by the readers. This colour scheme is also very minimalistic which means it’s rather easy and nice to look at; using a large amount of bright colours would be very busy and unpleasant on the reader’s eyes.

The images I will be using on my double page spread, are very simple but in keeping with the theme of the magazine and the other images featured on contents page and cover. The clothing I am wearing is dark grey tying, in with the colour theme and edgy rock genre. I will also chose images in which I am standing up as I feel this will be consistent with the column layout of the text.

My double page spread for my magazine, will consist of an interview with a singer. Therefore the text which I will use on my page will simply contain questions and answers. There will also be a small introductory paragraph, introducing us to the music artist and telling us a little about what we can expect in the interview.

The font which I will use on my double page spread will consist of myriad pro. I choose this font as it is plain, thin and simple, which will make it easy on the eye and easy to read. This is particularly key as my double page spread will feature an interview, which is mainly reading of quite a lot of text. I will place each question on the page in bold, allowing them to stand out amongst the text, with the answer being in the same font but of a thinner font weight, to ensure the answers to not merge with the questions and confuse the reader.

The layout will of the interview, will consist of columns of text making it more consistent and easier to follow. The images will then be placed amongst the text, with the text wrapped around them. To create a more stylised approach, but also to keep the text and images clearly separate from one another, to again not confuse the reader. 

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