9 September 2011

Brief & Initial Ideas

For my media studies production coursework I will be creating a music magazine. I have decided to call my magazine 'Revolution' which I felt was appropriate as revolution means a change in something and I although I want my magazine to be conventional, I also want it to stand out and be unique. After looking at a number of various different magazines, I have decided to base mine on the popular indie/rock genre of music, featuring both well known and unknown up and coming artists. After producing research, I will ensure my magazine will follow the typical conventions for that particular genre of magazine firstly featuring the main colour theme of red, black and white allowing audiences to recognise the style and genre of the magazine whilst it is on the shelf. My magazine will feature typical items, such as reviews for singles, gigs and maybe even movies. It will feature the most popular singles and free giveaways, such as gig tickets and posters, as this is very common, to persuade readers to buy the magazine. It will also contain other items like interviews with popular bands and singers, which I will also use for my double page spread, and non traditional features like the singers of yesteryear, the most expensive music video and the most memorable performances. My magazine will be for the entire UK, allowing us to mention gigs or other performances which maybe be taking place all around the country, therefore appealing to a much wider audience. The images I will be using for my magazine will be of me, featured as a new and upcoming musician. I will take a larger image for the cover of the magazine, as this will be the first thing people will see on my magazine. I will then take smaller images which will be used on the contents page and in the two page feature. All the images which will be taken will be centred on the theme of music, using props such as microphones, guitars and amps.

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