13 September 2011

Audience Research & My Target Audience

Target Audience Research
As my main inspiration for my magazine is NME, I decided to research the target audience for NME magazine to help understand the type of people who are attracted to and would purchase and indie rock magazine. After researching on the NME website I found that it was more likely to offer music and bands that are attracted by a younger audience. I also found that 65% of those who purchased the NME were of a male gender, that 50% of the readers were between the ages of 16 to 24 and that 79% were from social class category ABC1. 
My Target Audience
From this research I have decided I will target specifically those between the ages of 16 to 25 as they are more likely to purchase this genre of magazine. I feel this is specifically as those between 16 and 24, are most likely students who would be interested in going to music gigs, whether that be popular bands or local unknown artists at small gigs. A high majority of these gigs will perform the indie-rock genre of music, as it has become increasingly popular, with bands such as Kings Of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks etc. Therefore to help capture the needs of such an audience I will include regular music gig and concert listings and articles providing an insight into their favourite bands of the genre, such as interviews and a look at the behind the scene process. I will also include free give-aways, such as tickets or posters, to help satisfy the needs of the younger audience members, who may have little money and be influenced by free items and are highly likely to have music posters in their bedrooms.  However unlike NME who mainly target the male gender, I would like my magazine to purchased by both the male and female gender. This is mainly as most indie-rock musicians are male and these such magazines also often promote clothing for males. Therefore I would like to include more female indie rock musicians in my magazine and also feature clothing promotions for both genders. The social class category for NME is ABC1, which is the highest 3 social class categories. However I would like to aim my audience at a much wider social class demographic, which will be ABC1C2, which will provide a wider range of audience for my magazine. To do so, I must ensure my text style uses both a formal and friendly tone at the same time. 

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