17 September 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Inspirations

The first inspiration I have chosen for my contents page is the contents page form drummer magazine. I think in particular the layout is very effective here, as every available space is taken up with either a form of text or an image. This creates a compact and organised look, which overall is much more pleasant to look at, in comparison to if the text and images where randomly placed on the page with rather large spaces, which would look messy and confusing too look at. The colour scheme follows the conventional minimalistic colours used in a music magazine, that of red, black, white and grey. This allows the contents page to tie in with the front and adds a consistent overall theme throughout every page of the magazine. Lastly what I feel is the most effective is the use of imagery. A contents page will usually only contain one image, which is usually for the feature story within the magazine, however here there is an image used for almost every feature page. This evokes more interest from the readers, as they have a sneak preview from the imagery used of what the feature may be about, particularly if the images is of a band the reader may like or a live concert image, for readers who enjoy attending gigs. What I like about this magazine, is how the images are all placed down the right hand side, in a number of different sizes and almost slot into the gaps around one another, which I feel adds a more stylistic approach in contrast to just place the images in various places around the page. For my magazine I would like to replicate how the logo or the title of the magazine to be placed in the top left hand corner. I chose this as I feel it would allow the contents page to be consist with the front cover. Furthermore if the front cover were to be damaged whilst the magazine was being handled, damaging the front cover logo, readers would still be able to recognise the magazine by the logo or title placed on the contents page. I would also like to replicate how the pages within the contents page, are split into two categories features and regular pages. I feel this would be appropriate as not only is it more organised, it allows readers to see the new and exciting stories which will be featured this month, aside from the regular features.

The second inspiration I have chosen for my contents page, is a contents page from Kerrang magazine. I chose this particularly as I like its unique approach to a contents page. Unlike most contents pages which feature a column or list of words, each page is represented by an image. This is effective as it is very unique, which evokes more interest from the reader. The torn paper effect which features down the left hand side of the page, creates a messy and chaotic effect, which is consist with the indie rock music genre of the magazine, but also ties in with the title featured on the contents page 'its a riot!'. The text used is also very effective, in particular the background behind each text featured, which almost looks like paint of torn paper. This again looks chaotic and although styled gives the appearance as if the magazine has just be thrown  together, yet still looks simple and easy on the eye. For my magazine I would like to replicate the use of imagery to represent a page featured within the magazine, specifically to represent my double feature interview page. I feel this will add a different approach, in contrast to having all the pages featured in a list, which could look uninteresting and boring to reader and cause the reader to not want to purchase the magazine, as this is the page in which they will view the features they may want to read. 

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