20 September 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Flat Plan

Rationale Questions
The colour scheme I have chosen to use consists of red, white, black and grey. I have chosen this theme as it is very common in indie/rock music magazines and therefore will allow the theme of my magazine to be recognised by the readers. This colour scheme is also very minimalistic which means it’s rather easy and nice to look at; using a large amount of bright colours would be very busy and unpleasant on the reader’s eyes.

The image I will be using for my contents page will be of me, using a microphone. The image is quite simple with basic props and a background, so no to distract and blend well amongst the text. The costume used also consists of colours such as black, light red and white, which help to tie in with the colour theme used on page.

The text I will use for my contents page will feature all the pages which I would feature in my magazine. This will be split into two sections, the main features of my magazine and the every month features. The main features will consist of articles such as the 10 best gigs or the most memorable on stage performances for example. The every month features will consist of articles such as reviews for singles or albums or quizzes, to keep consistency between each issue and give features for the readers to be familiar with and look forward to reading.

For the contents page of my magazine I will use quite a typical contents layout, with the image placed on the right hand side and the contents text paced on both the left and under the picture. The text will also be in small columns, making it easier to follow and more continuous and flowing. The font I will use is very simple, as the contents page will require a lot of text. If I were to use a busy or messy font, this would be unattractive and hard to read. For each page feature I will use a bold font, of myriad pro, allowing the page easier to scan read if the reader is looking for a particular page in the contents. The small description under each page, I will again use a simple font of Cambria, this will however will not be bold as it would somewhat merge with the title, stopping each title from standing out.

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