14 November 2011

First Draft Feedback

For my first draft of my music magazine coursework, I gathered feedback from my media lecturer, to help me determine the areas in which I had been successful in my magazine and the areas in which I needed to improve to ensure my magazine reached a professional level and my target grade. For my first draft of my music magazine I received a B/C, although I am quite pleased with this I feel I could improve my magazine, to ensure i receive a grade B overall. 

Below are the feedback forms, which display which aspects of the tasks I have successfully completed.
From the feedback I gathered from my lecturer, she felt my overall magazine had a strong brand identity, which represents clearly my genre and target audience. She also felt I had provided a good understanding of my conventions and furthermore, that my front cover provided a good range of fonts and sell lines. 

However she did feel there were may areas I could improve my magazine in. Firstly my images on each page, could be sharpened, as they appear slightly blurry and out of focus. This could allow the magazine to look unprofessional, as magazines are highly edited and often feature very high definition and clear photographs. Page numbers could also be added to both my contents page and double page interview spread. This is a necessity, as page numbers are featured on every page in every form of magazine or newspaper, and would make my magazine appear highly unprofessional if they were no used. They also allow the reader to identity the page and associate it with the text featured on the contents page. I also need to fill in the large amount of space, featured on the second page of my double page interview spread, as this again looks highly unprofessional. Text or images, will always fill almost every space within a page, to allow the page to seem more organised and tidy, therefore I will need to place a form of image or text in this space. 

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