19 November 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Second Draft

For my second draft of my music magazine double page interview spread, I have made a few changes in order in order to make my magazine look more professional and it is completed to a high standard. Firstly I have sharpened the image. Most magazines will often feature a photo taken from a photo shoot which is  produced in high definition, there as my magazine appeared slightly blurry and out of focus, I have sharpened the image to ensure it appears with more definition and clarity. I have also added a page number in the bottom right hand corner. This was a necessity I felt as every magazine features page numbers, in order for the reader to to identify each page and associate each page with the text featured on the contents page. Lastly I have replaced the free space in the right hand corner with a music CD promotion. After music artist feature in magazine interviews, I found it is often conventional for magazines too promote the single they will be releasing, particularly if the artist is up and coming. Therefore I have featured a image of the CD single, in order for readers to identity what the CD cover would look like in stores and information on when the single will be released and where it can be purchased.  This is effective as it encourages those who purchase the CD single, to be reminded of the magazine they were recommended it in, which may influence them to purchase the magazine again. 

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