10 November 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread First Draft

This is the first draft for my double page, interview spread for my music magazine. I am quite pleased, with how this has turned out, as it looks very professional and followed the particular conventions of a magazine interview, particularly placing them images in columns, with each question placed in a bold font, to ensure they stand out amongst the other items of text. However I do feel I could add extra information to the pages, other then the interview of the music artist. I have ensured to feature and introductory paragraph to allow the artist to be introduced for those who may not have heard of them. Within the interview, I have tried to feature a large range of a questions, with everything from influences, to how they started out, to what they would like to be doing in 5 years time. This allows all bases to be covered within the interview, and cover the interests of a wider audience. 

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